You know, the best feeling in this world is the feeling of self-love, appreciation, acceptance, self-worth but most especially self-love. There are no other feelings greater than love. When you are in your ups and downs, it comforts you, it remains with you. One often needs to go out of this world, get out of sight for a while to really see who they are on the inside, find some hidden treasures about themselves. Treat themselves right, get a nice massage, eat pizzas, lick ice-creams, have a nice hair done, get my nails done, buy classic dresses and shoes, be my own makeup artist (MUA). Improve my skills, smile at every single thing including my mistakes but with an assurance that I will correct them. Wear nice black heels with a side slitted red dress, chin up, shoulders high, tummy sucked in, butt out a little bit then walk majestically "like" I own the world. Did I just say "like"?? No! I take that back, I OWN THE WORLD! RULE IT! SUBDUE AND DOMINATE IT! Hmm, there is something missing..... perfume and lipsticks, which word do I have for them....? Hmm........... I say leave them "BREATHLESS" with a touch of a smile but make sure your teeth are white before displaying. You can't risk being embarrassed. You are a priceless diamond worth more than all words put together. You are great. A"ROYAL" priesthood, a Holy nation, GOD'S SPECIAL POSSESSION (1 Peter 2:9) tells me that. If you do not have the devil under your feet who will? If you do not make it in life, who will? If you are not a first class student who will? If you are not the one chosen for good who will?If you don't get those expensive bags and shoes who will? If you don't drink that refreshing drink on the cushion who will? If you do not embrace nature, come out and inhale the pleasant and amazing smell of the morning breeze who will? There is beauty, hope, and love within you, spread it, share it, the world needs you. Without you, the world is empty, useless and meaningless. Appreciate and cherish the inner you and the outer you because they will be with you for a lifetime.

In conclusion,
Enjoy every moment with yourself because no one and I mean "NO ONE" on earth will ever fully understand you, appreciate you, love you and care for you if you don't do that first yourself.

Kosy Melvina Iyke  (KMI)
Instagram: – @kmi_iyke @melvinaiyke


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