
Showing posts from 2017


You see, life is not a computer keyboard that you could get your type or a little mix of my taste that will undergo a more energetic reaction than potassium and water.  It was more like blessings where you could not get your little mix or type but the perfect thing for you cos His ways are greater. They were my wave in the seashore in which the sound of the wave on the shore makes my heart smile. Yeah, they are that good but not perfect. Just like a heart drawn on paper or rose grow on thorns, we have hiding scars like heartbreak , betrayal, loss of loved ones, downfalls, financial crises, insecurities, victims of rape, unstable homes, regrets, we were never understood, neglected, just to name a few, which makes us different, special, uniquely strong and who we are today through the help of God, for our past doesn’t define who we are but what we believe individually about us that defines who we are. “Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we nee

Shiloh Impartation/Anointing Service – Day 5 – Live Stream – (9th December 2017)

Shiloh Impartation service, a service of breakthrough, miracle jobs, wives and husbands, miracle children, miracle homes. e.t.c. You are required to bring your anointing oil and handkerchief to partake in this service.                                                       CLINK THE LINK BELOW

Shiloh 2017 – Encounter Night, Day 4 Evening Session – (8th December 2017)

You need the enduement of supernatural Faith to possess your possession. Hab 2 vs 4 You need your personal understanding of the word to live an overcomers life - 2 Thessalonians 1 vs 3, Romans 12 vs 8, Luke 19 vs 13 - 16. CLICK ON THE LINK TO JOIN THE ENCOUNTER SERVICE, A SERVICE OF CELEBRATION AND TRANSFORMATION

Shiloh 2017 – Youth Alive Forum, Day 4 Afternoon Session – (8th December 2017)

Let's worship him today the 8th of December, 2017 as we partake in the 4th day of Shiloh 2017, Youth Alive program by clicking the link to live-stream. God bless you as you partake in this service. CLICK THE LINK:

Shiloh 2017 – Youth Alive Forum, Day 4 Afternoon Session – (8th December 2017)

Shiloh Youth Alive 2017 - A NEW DAWN, Join me as we experience this amazing youth program with God.

Shiloh 2017 Youth Alive Forum – Day 3 Afternoon 7th December 2017

Shiloh Youth Alive 2017 - A NEW DAWN, Join me as we experience this amazing youth program with God.


Where are all the Redeemers, you have a privilege to watch and partake in the day 3 Evening Session, Holy Ghost Congress 2017 Songs of Victory. May God open our minds and heart as we listen and practice the lesson to be learnt and learnt in Jesus name. Amen


Join me as we partake in this great session and return all Glory to His Holy name.


Hi everyone, i'm so sorry this is coming really late but here is the link for the Hour Of Visitation

SHILOH 2017 - A NEW DAWN Day 1

Join us and partake in Shiloh 2017, A New Dawn

MANHOOD: Understanding Men by TD Jakes (Must Watch for Women)

Understanding Men by Bishop T.D Jakes. This video provides female with an enlightenment and better understanding of men. The devil is up against men because he knows if he gets and kills the masculine voice in the home, he can get the woman locked up in grief, worry, aggravation, darkness making her lose sight of the warrior she is within. It also explains how men operate, you might be finding it hard to understand your man, brother or son. Well today marks the end of it, for you have reached the final stop to confusion concerning manhood and i pray that as you watch this video God will open your eyes and heart to understand men better. So, get your pen and paper ready as you click the play button of the video because there is a whole lot of things you will learn and might like to pen down for reference purposes. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. Have a splendid experience. Thank you


Hi everyone! Guess what? K.M.I Inspiration and Lifestyle is a month old today with over a thousand page view! Hurray!! It can only be God who has done such a marvelous thing for us all, and has showered upon me the Grace to be a value added personality to you, people across the world and myself. It isn’t by my strength, so I use this platform to return all Glory and adoration back to Him and specially thank all my viewers from different countries, background and culture for given us an opportunity to serve you earnestly for a month and I pray that as you continue to embark on this journey with us, may God almighty visit you in all areas you never expected and may he grant you the readiness, Grace and strength needed to receive his divine anointing. I prophecy that as we keep returning all the praise and serving Him in ways we can, He shall begin to do strange things in our lives, wipe all hidden tears, heal all broken homes, give exceeding strength to all single parents, give shel


When darkness overtakes the righteous, light will come bursting in. When you don't see a way out and it's dark, you are in prime position for God's favor to manifest. What is that thing that keeps you thinking? is it the fear of joblessness, how you will pay a million or billion debts, how you and your family will feed or how your future will unfold, if that is the case or worse, i pray that you receive one touch of God's favor that will catapult you further than you can ever imagine.  There is fire within you that needs to be lightened up continuously.  What is your passion? What is your drive? Where is your focus? Where is your zeal?  Let me tell you something, the world needs you and what you carry. It needs those gifts, talents and hidden potential within you. God is looking for people who are prepared and taking steps to improve. The world awaits the one that will sing and souls will be won, the “you” that will write and lives will be changed, that will represe


I found myself in a world filled with creative thinkers groomed with different ideas and visions like that is what they live for. So confused and devastated whether there was a thinking bulb in my brain, staring to an empty space lost in my own world of fantasy. Words kept coming into place like a puzzle, things started making sense now but I couldn’t figure out what exactly it was, I knew one day I was going to make a name for myself. One day I will be the person the world needs but I felt something was missing, something wasn’t just right. Knocked out of my world, was a universe staring at me with problems of different kinds, ready to be solved and attended to. Then I found that thing, that key to greatness, that fire that kept me restless and thinking all day, waiting for me to set it free, for its voice to be heard, and here it was hiding within! “THE LITTLE ME”. The little me that had potentials untapped, different solutions to problems, the little me that had the “tiny” idea t


You know, the best feeling in this world is the feeling of self-love, appreciation, acceptance, self-worth but most especially self-love. There are no other feelings greater than love. When you are in your ups and downs, it comforts you, it remains with you. One often needs to go out of this world, get out of sight for a while to really see who they are on the inside, find some hidden treasures about themselves. Treat themselves right, get a nice massage, eat pizzas, lick ice-creams, have a nice hair done, get my nails done, buy classic dresses and shoes, be my own makeup artist (MUA). Improve my skills, smile at every single thing including my mistakes but with an assurance that I will correct them. Wear nice black heels with a side slitted red dress, chin up, shoulders high, tummy sucked in, butt out a little bit then walk majestically "like" I own the world. Did I just say "like"?? No! I take that back, I OWN THE WORLD! RULE IT! SUBDUE AND DOMINATE IT! Hmm, th


You did not come this far to only come this far friends. You came this far to subdue, empower, dominate, nurture, implement, influence, impact, control, lead, Make a difference and give a glow to your world. So friends, grab the shit thrown at You, the tonic, people poured on you and make an ice for what was offered, sip out of it with your head high as you murder them with your progress gradually and bury them with a smile. Make a shade because your Success will so shine that even the sun can’t help but notice. Embrace the new you because it will say a whole lot about you in your success stories, growth, development, and suicide mission in terms of your haters. In conclusion, Appreciate how far you have come and gone because you deserve it! "YOU DID NOT COME THIS FAR ONLY TO COME THIS FAR" Photo Credit: - @6AMSUCESS (Instagram)

"Feelings" - THE WORD

Is my world gradually falling apart or this is my thought taking full advantage of my innocence? My life is beginning to scatter into different pieces as I watched my past play before my very eyes. My bones leaving my body as they move in a direction well known to them. I could barely hear a sound from my own bones as they move in accord, my flesh barely said a word, as the only living thing, which I was able to witness the squalid  sight rolled out a hard hot drop of pain in a harmless colour which reflected my swollen sockets as I glared at  it. The drops became rainfall as self-pity and pain engulfed me, this time it wasn’t only a beloved that was violently attacked. I began to drown in my own tears that had become an ocean of reddish white. This time my black fathomless eyes were barely seen or felt, all I could feel was a heartburn that came from within. It was like a king Kong was leveraging amid empty garage my eyes had once occupied. Am I the only one filled with pain? Grieve?


I am an eagle, a first class citizen of a royal ancestry, strengthened by the world for exploit with a vision to be purpose driven in flight unstoppable and unbeatable in all spheres of life. I am at the top because that's the only vacant place. I am adaptable with the changes with time. Legs firm to the ground and eyes focused to the future strong enough to succeed against all odds.  "I am an eagle, blessed with long life and divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit". I AM AN EAGLE!

Like magic she became a work of art

Sharply and graceful her sandaled feet and queenly her movement.  Her skin is silken and tawny like a field of wheat touched by breeze. Her neck carved ivory, curved and slender. Her eyes are wells of light, vision, power, authority, drive but yet deep with mystery. Her profile turns all heads in awe and admiration commanding attention and respect. She became the windflower in bloom, a secret garden with a smell of peaches, organs, pears, mint, lavender and all scented woods with sparkles. Like magic she said sell me your soul, give me your heart with a voice of melody till I became grey.


Bones of my bones, the flesh of my flesh but yet no strings attached. Ironic how life has begun to take a tour of me, can barely stand without being laid back to the sharp pain of an unfinished dish? A dish with rods and stone. My feet flinched as I tried to put my self in order in a graceful walk but every step I took, the shard of my hip bone kept on shouting for mercy. His strong grieve in a clenched fist headed straight for my left hip bone, (the very synovial joint formed by the articulation of the rounded head of the femur and the cuplike acetabulum of the pelvis), the only difference was the action expressed with his feet. It didn’t mean much to him, as that was the only thing that made him happy, me in tears at the moment. Wasn’t ready to welcome familiar faces neither say a word. A shard of my bone wasn’t even a case or an issue to be attended to him, neither would my inner wounds remove a string from the hair on his skin. How awful this felt coming from a beloved. My days w


Who said you can’t? Who said you won’t make it? Who said you are a failure? Who said you are wired? Who said you are lonely? Who said you are ugly? Who said you are empty? Who said you are dumb? Who said you have no value? Who said you are too emotional? Who said you are weak? Who said you were a mistake? Who said you are not worth it? Think again, you are a beautiful creature, the most special thing God has ever created on the day of your birth. When God was done creating you, he threw away the remaining clay because you are the only version he intended to create. You are precious to Him and let me tell you something, YOU WILL SUCCEED because God said that in Joshua 1:8 and i quote "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and thou shall have good success. You have a Father


The pain of nine months brought fought a divine creature of Latter-days, whose cry was the only sound she could take in for strength. Her heart flips with joy, praise, and pride as she sees the Proverb 31 woman of her dreams in the eyes of her baby girl. She called her “Ma Ma” in her first attempt to speak, she looked, she watched and listened intensively to be certain that cry she hears wasn’t from within. She called again “Ma Ma!” but this time louder, then she was certain it was not from her but from the spring of joy that was staring at her with pure innocence.  She was out of words, unable to move and her priceless expression gave meaning to the moment. Her eyes were inundated with love, her smile filled with happiness , her hands embrace with warmth , her heart filled with peace as she struggles within her rivers of joy  she whispers,”Yes my princess..” Kosy Melvina Iyke  (KMI) Instagram: – @kmi_iyke


Hi there! Happy new month!!!! Who is happy and grateful to see this beautiful first day of the month of October? Happy independence day Nigeria! I pray for peace within all tribes, sectors. I pray that as you have added one today all good things in Nigeria shall be plus 1. Nigeria shall be spiritually sound There shall not be any war of any kind in Jesus name Amen. As you clock one today, every citizen in this country clocks one with you in strenght, peace, unity and harmony. Happy Independence day Nigeria!

How about I tell you what the time says?

  The time says eight  (1)GET                                      (2) YOUR                                      (3) HEAD                                      (4) TOGETHER                                      (5) AND                                      (6) MAXIMIZE                                      (7) YOUR                                      (8) TIME! Every day we grow older, every day we have one less day in our future and one more day in our past. Now, you can keep doing the old things over and over again and then in five years you will be about where you are today or you can decide you will stand up, climb the mountain and fight . It might be hard but you will have to change something in your life, exercise discipline in your life, there will be days when you will be sad, disappointed, angry, weak, frustrated all you have to do is learn from that, strive, be dedicated so when you become that diamond, you will look back and be glad you maximized your time to its fu


“Don’t tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.” That is a guiding principle for me. Whether I am writing or editing, I seek to paint words with vivid brushstrokes, tapping into ideas through images, feelings through sensations, facts through well-mined research. Once I start a project, my focus goes into striking compelling notes of expression within a given equation. Let me tell you a story of a jazz artist named Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong applied to attend a music school. At the audition, he was given scales to sing, but he could only sing the first two notes properly and he was told he didn’t have what it takes to be a musician. Every individual in hearing this will cry for days for being rejected in their place of interest. Just imagine as a lady being rejected from Mac cosmetics for her inability to distinguish face corrector or a man being rejected from a 1 billion dollar contract he has been working on for years. Think of it, how