Woman - The New Eve!
Her humility, dignity, inner strength and respect for others are something that can't be reckoned with.You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:3 (NIV Translation)
She holds her head high not in pride but in self-respect.
She understands she is a magnet who attracts and pulls things as she passes by.
She isn't blinded by her own charms as most individuals
She understands her role as an incubator, as a virtuous woman and a fascinating woman.
She protects her heart with all diligence because she is aware that her face mirrors her heart (Prov. 27:17 MSG)
Though her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter, expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride. Yet she's strong enough to endure and overcome whatever comes her way.

Though she may have a lot on her plate, she's always on a look out to stretch a helping hand and functions perfectly well with a smile.
Though single or married with five, two, one, eight, less kids or none at the moment still she mothers and nurtures any kid that comes her way
Though it might seem she always has a lot to say but just like Esther, she knows when to speak and when to be mute.
Though her tongue powerful enough to bring down a house right from its foundation and destroy a grown man when angered and pushed to the wall yet she knows how to charmingly make her request known.
Though she constantly seeks and yawns for protection, her heel bruises the head of the serpent on a daily basis and her seed in constant warfare with the enemy. Such a warrior!
Equipped to birth and lead nations yet she seeks for someone who will lead her while she takes the second seat.
Sacrificial she is. Always bowing her head to the presence of authority

Just like a refined molded sculpture, the molder extracts certain components from an existing, functioning, 99% complete Royal piece (Man), then adds special distinctive ingredients that once encountered can't be the same, such as:
- A jar of Gracefulness
- 2 and Half Spoon of sparkle - that ignites her eyes any time she laughs
- A heart warming, innocent smile
- Radiance of happiness, joy, inner peace, love and quietness
- Fresh and soft skin
- Childlike trust
- A hug that heals anything, from a bruised knee to a broken heart
- Feminine manners
- A Spirit of gratitude
- A teachable spirit
- Domestic skill set
- Multitasking skills with just two hands
- An open and honest approach to life
- A strength that cures herself when sick yet work 18-24 hours a day.
- A heart for others - loving unconditionally

She isn't any perfect but gracefully broken.
She smiles when she feels like screaming, she says everything is fine when she's at the verge of giving up.
She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid.
Just like Physics, History and Biology, it takes time to unveil a woman but to understand her is to seek her designer (God) because in her, is His whole design.
