Before the sun is up I scavenge the dump
I search all day for what to eat, is this normal?
I lie on my bed one more day
Looking forward to greeting the gates of death
At least I will look forward to something rather than a day without food or hope
My swollen tummy reminds me of my misfortune
As my soul stare me to the face
Where can I go for help, food, and hope?
I barely hear a sound from my own bones as they move in their own accord
Bones of my bones, the flesh of my flesh yet abandoned in the desert
Why am I destined to be brought to an empty world?
No one to call home, to love me, to give me hope
No one
I wish I was not born
There are things we see and things we do not see but something we can’t ignore seeing
A silent scream
A scream we will never hear
Look at our beautiful children
Why are they starving?
Is this the end?
Over 3.1 million children each year die from hunger
Hunger is the most extreme form of poverty
What they don’t have, we take for granted
Remember one can make a difference
Let us come together as one to share the love and give hope to save the less privileged in the society at large in any possible way.
You can start from the hungry child in your neighborhood to the kids on the street and together we will save lives. God bless