Photo credit: @bryanadamc I found myself in a world filled with creative thinkers groomed with different ideas and visions as though that is what they live for. Confused and devastated whether there was a thinking bulb in my brain gawking at an empty space in my world of fantasy. Thoughts kept matching up like an enigma. Visual graphics became legendary as black cards started making sense but I couldn’t figure out the mastermind behind the game. I became in sync with the dark and found a gleam of light beneath which lit me up and made me feel like as though I was good enough. I knew one day I was going to make a name for myself but I didn't know when or how. I was so in love with you to know that one day I will be the person the world needs but I felt something was missing, something wasn’t just right. Whacked out of my world, was a universe staring at me naked with problems of different kinds, ready to be solved and attended too. There I searched within me for the key to gre...