How about I tell you what the time says?
(2) YOUR
(3) HEAD
(5) AND
(7) YOUR
(8) TIME!
Every day we grow older, every day we have one less day in our future and one more day in our past. Now, you can keep doing the old things over and over again and then in five years you will be about where you are today or you can decide you will stand up, climb the mountain and fight. It might be hard but you will have to change something in your life, exercise discipline in your life, there will be days when you will be sad, disappointed, angry, weak, frustrated all you have to do is learn from that, strive, be dedicated so when you become that diamond, you will look back and be glad you maximized your time to its fullest. "You cant be who you're going to be and who you want to be at the same time" - Bishop T.D Jakes. A lady once said on her deathbed “I will give my whole kingdom if only I could have one extra bed”. Make the most of today to realize the value of one year, a student who failed a grade should realize the value of a month, tell an individual who missed an opportunity to realize the value of an hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet to realize the value of a second, ask someone who just avoided an accident to realize the value of a millisecond, tell a person who won a golden or silver medal to treasure every moment they have and treasure it more because it was shared with someone special.

Age helps you appreciate life, the closer you get to that age the more you appreciate life. Now the problem we have with our youth is that they think they are going to live forever, the truth is that you won’t. Psalm 39:4-5 says “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best each of us is but a breath”. So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for good because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do, (Ephesians 5:15-17). Understand the preciousness of time given to you. Begin to use those moments with discretion and to decide with distinction what you will and will not lend your energy to because frankly you know, you just don’t have time for the foolishness. One thing that will make you understand why you do not have time for foolishness is if you have experienced foolishness in your past and you look back over your life and you say, Lord, if only I could get back to that time, I would have done things better, if only I knew then what I know now I would have done it in a different way, I would deal with it differently. Then you begin to ask yourself questions like why did I let that worry me? Why did I respond to that issue in the first place? Why did I spend years of my life trying to reconcile with someone who didn’t want to reconcile with me? Why did I spend years of my life and energy trying to build someone who didn’t want to be built? Why did I spend years of my life trying to build a relationship with someone that didn’t want to have anything to do with me? Why did I have to spend years trying to make people understand me for who I am and not leave them to assume whatever they felt was who I am, because not everyone will like you, people will always talk regardless. Why did I spend my life working on a job, a deadbeat job not pursuing other opportunities and I realize now that there were many opportunities knocking on my door and I missed them, so Lord with every day I have left am going to do what the bible says and redeem the time, am going to redeem the time, captivate the time I have left and hope that my latter days will be greater than my former day and maximize every moment of my life.
