Once upon a time, the children of Zion were left in the wilderness seeking for a place to call home, where love, care, and provisions were rendered. Inquisitive as ever, they craved to know, to feel, to understand, to learn at every opportunity they get even if it isn't at its best. Children are the gifts of the world, they are the leaders of present, moving mountains, making waves and establishing empires and leaving legacies for generationsto come. These are children that will shake nations with ideas, solve political and economic problems our fore fathers couldn't solve. For our young ones shall see visions, children are the ones that will knock down the gate of hell that's why the enemy are after them, making them rebellious because of lack of knowledge they perish but the path of the just shall shine forth says the Lord Jesus Christ Who has kept the most vital necessity a child needs in the hearts of the esteemed personnels of United Nation to develop sustainab...