
Showing posts from 2020

Woman - The New Eve!

You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:3 (NIV Translation) Her humility, dignity, inner strength and respect for others are something that can't be reckoned with. She holds her head high not in pride but in self-respect. She understands she is a magnet who attracts and pulls things as she passes by. She isn't blinded by her own charms as most individuals She understands her role as an incubator, as a virtuous woman and a fascinating woman. She protects her heart with all diligence because she is aware that her face mirrors her heart (Prov. 27:17 MSG) Though her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter, expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride. Yet she's strong enough to endure and overcome whatever comes her way. Though soft as cotton and Vicuna wool, submissive and gentle like Sarah, pure like Mary an...

Not your usual Valentine Story - "About a month ago 🎶"

Everything in this world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. – 1 Peter 4:7 ( Message Version) In this season of love, do something special for someone you may have fallen out with, be it your mum, dad, siblings, friends, someone. It mustn’t be something necessarily big but something of sincerity. Take your dad for a father & son date, take, your mum for a mother & daughter date, take your siblings for a siblings date and have a good time, communicate beyond the casuals and talk about everything you can literally wrap your head around. Most of us might say you don’t know our parents, that one can’t work but let me tell us something funny. Do you know your parents secretly wish they could have a good time bonding with you?? They are aware they are getting old and sooner or later you will be occupied with your own intimate family (that’s if you aren’t presently) you might never have your parents or siblings time again. I never like saying things...