The days seem long when all you do is nothing The nights seem longer when everyone is fast asleep and all you do is stare far away in thoughts on how the future will unfold Words running a marathon in my head leaving my fingers no choice but to run meters unable to keep the pace I hear icon livings die every day and I wonder what next when gone forever Nipsey death gave me an eye-opening, this life is vanity but yet we still need to secure some bags and win more souls for Christ which is our main goal What if Nipsey died empty but yet filled with dreams untold and visions yet to mold Who would've known what a great radical psychologist was ever birthed? Who would've known THAT Nipsey existed?? Just a random question you think? Give it a second thought We say we have a lot on our plate but how many slices are we willing to bite all at once?? They assume you are doing just fine They bet you have it all figured out with a growing platform pro...