You see, life is not a computer keyboard that you could get your type or a little mix of my taste that will undergo a more energetic reaction than potassium and water. It was more like blessings where you could not get your little mix or type but the perfect thing for you cos His ways are greater. They were my wave in the seashore in which the sound of the wave on the shore makes my heart smile. Yeah, they are that good but not perfect. Just like a heart drawn on paper or rose grow on thorns, we have hiding scars like heartbreak , betrayal, loss of loved ones, downfalls, financial crises, insecurities, victims of rape, unstable homes, regrets, we were never understood, neglected, just to name a few, which makes us different, special, uniquely strong and who we are today through the help of God, for our past doesn’t define who we are but what we believe individually about us that defines who we are. “Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fu...