Hi everyone! Guess what? K.M.I Inspiration and Lifestyle is a month old today with over a thousand page view! Hurray!! It can only be God who has done such a marvelous thing for us all, and has showered upon me the Grace to be a value added personality to you, people across the world and myself. It isn’t by my strength, so I use this platform to return all Glory and adoration back to Him and specially thank all my viewers from different countries, background and culture for given us an opportunity to serve you earnestly for a month and I pray that as you continue to embark on this journey with us, may God almighty visit you in all areas you never expected and may he grant you the readiness, Grace and strength needed to receive his divine anointing. I prophecy that as we keep returning all the praise and serving Him in ways we can, He shall begin to do strange things in our lives, wipe all hidden tears, heal all broken homes, give exceeding strength to all single parents, give shel...